Delux – open till 2am! :)
And some nachos!
More taco pics
Tacos…so delicious and perfect food in the wee morning hours
Los Betos at 4am! So tasty!!!!
Crainium, beers and friends…good after work fun
La Grande Orange
Everytime I go to LGO, I end up in the bathroom admiring this artwork,
trying to figure a way to smuggle it out in my bag.
They look like someone made them but when you look up close, they look
like prints…I’m perplexed! And my favorite one is too high on the
wall to reach, so perhaps I’ll inquire about them next time I’m in.
In the meantime, if you live in the area, stop by LGO for a Havana
Latte. Rarely do I like sweet coffee drinks, but this one is a perfect
pre-work pick-me-up.
La Grande Orange is located on 40th and Campbell (about two blocks
south of Camelback).
Any ideas about how to sneak off with one of the prints or about their
origin, let me know. 🙂
Love, Croi
Song of the day: I Don’t Feel Like Dancin’ by: Scissor Sister
Movies on my day off! Confess, my little shopaholic!
Fondue and friends…doesn’t get much better