I have been doing everything possible to avoid the spring cleaning my house has been demanding. Toasting up a batch of granola. Breaking in my new boule baskets by baking fresh bread. Preserving some lovely blood oranges and meyer lemons in a jewel-colored marmalade. Dinners out. Dinners in. Hiking Pinnacle Peak. Planting seedlings for planters I haven’t built yet. Testing cheese recipes. Drinking lots of wine.
My friend M. took three days off work to clean her house. We ended up hiking, having breakfast, trying out some new restaurants and grabbing drinks. Her house is still a disaster, and the only positive stride I took was to clean eight bags of clothes out of my closet for Goodwill.
So, in honor of my procrastination, and hopefully yours, here is a list of the other things I’m planning on doing, before cleaning my house.
1. Watch every episode of Eureka on Netflix direct.
2. Eat ice cream for dinner, and tell myself I deserve it because I’m actually going to clean tomorrow.
3. Have potluck girls night with ::drum roll, please:: The Girls!
4. Drink more wine.
5. Pull all the boxes out of the closet with the intention to clean them out. Clean out one. Get bored. Go to the movies instead.
6. Make Tony a pie. What?! I promised him months ago I would bake him a pie, and now seems like a great time.
7. Go to Breadfruit and drink 4 mojitos (all other procrastinators, meet me there!).
8. Buy potting soil and all the lumber for my planters.
9. Sit on the porch, drinking a glass of wine, while staring at lumber for my planters.
10. Eat cheese.
What’s your favorite way to procrastinate?