(Homemade ricotta with macerated berries. I've got more if you're coming over for breakfast!)
Philly Blog Tax – Good thing I never blogged in Pennsylvania. This is insane!
No Eat, No Pray, No Book Deal – I liked Eat, Pray, Love, but I understand where this writer is coming from, with her dislike for what this travel memoir has done to the publishing industry.
Egg Recall – I've been thinking about raising my own hens for fresh eggs and the egg recall makes me want to do it even more.
10 Highest-Paid Authors – Not really surprised by who is on the list. What does it say about us, though? Lovesick vampires? Blerg!
How to Be Happy with Yourself – Nothing new, but sometimes I need a reminder of how to be nice to myself.
Food Truck War on the Streets of New York – As food trucks become more popular, so do the best spots in the city. Turf war ensues.