After a long phone conversation with one of my dearest friend about the recent changes in her life, it got me thinking about what the next step in my life will be. I have absolutely no idea, but I have never been happier. And let me tell you, I'm a planner, so any level of comfort with the unknown is a huge step.
The only things that I am sure of in life is that I'm meant to be in the kitchen and to write about it. I never thought I would be so happy to wear clogs and be covered in flour. Collapsing in bed every night, I'm exhausted and satisfied that I've worked as hard as a possibly could.
Somedays, I think about being an office wench again, chained to a desk and a sedentary existence. This is mostly on the days when I get my paychecks and genuinely want to weep at their lightness. No Louboutins for this lady. But I'm actually a much happier person. My work doesn't make me miserable, and I don't want to beat my head against my keyboard on a daily basis, anymore.
Speaking of Louboutins, I miss my stilettos. However, my clogs are more comfortable and I can always wear the stilettos on dates with all the gentlemen callers that are lining up to date a pastry chef, who will surely expand their waistline. (Side note: I'm searching for my Paul Child. All applicants may see E.Clair, who will be interviewing potential candidates.)
My own waistline has had a bit of an expansion…apparently, a diet of eggs, butter, cream and sugar isn't the best way to keep your girlish figure. Who knew? I'm not fat, though, and like to think of it as more of a Nigella Lawson curvy.
Food is the great connector (not to be confused with Ronald Reagan, the great communicator). We share meals with others when getting to know someone, reconnecting, celebrating, mourning, living and loving. And I get to be apart of that. Somedays, I need a reminder, but I know that I'm doing what I love. Corny, cheesy, but true.
Are you doing what you love?